St. Colman’s, like other Catholic Schools, is called to support Catholic parents who wish to have their teenage children nourished and strengthened in faith, not just in a private way but also so that their faith may be lived and practised in the public arena. Religious education, as with other subjects, is part of the educational class day in St. Colman’s. But personal formation in the faith, sometimes called catechesis, or devotional practice, is also an integral part of a full Religious education programme. A living partnership between home, school and parish raises the consciousness of all. St. Colman’s College has a residential Chaplain, appointed by the Diocese, among its pastoral care and teaching staff. He is Fr. Eamonn Barry, a priest much experienced in Youth retreats and Parish Missions. He celebrates special Masses on important occasions for class and school groups. He offers spiritual guidance, counselling and prayer opportunities for many.
In a faith school, such as St. Colman’s, league tables are not everything. Parents and pupils may, of course, during school hours visit the College Chapel which was built in 1912 thanks mainly to the generosity of the late Canon Patrick A. Sheehan, past pupil, prolific writer and novelist (Glenanaar, The Graves of Kilmorna etc.).
Resource: Catholic Education at Second-Level in the Republic of Ireland. Looking to the Future. Reprint(2015). This 40 page booklet is published by Catholic Schools Partnership (Maynooth). It may be downloaded at its website or at